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Botox for the Brows

Botox Brow Lift 

Botox is one of the most versatile cosmetic treatments available, reversing the signs of aging with fast and easy outpatient procedures. It may surprise you to learn that Botox can even act as a non-surgical brow lift. In fact, it’s one of celebrities’ best kept secrets.

Not only does Botox take care of lines and wrinkles in the forehead with its muscle-relaxing properties, it also elevates your brows for a lifted, more youthful appearance.

Why Choose a Botox Brow Lift?

With a few quick injections, this highly effective neurotoxic injectable relaxes the muscles above your eyebrows, thus causing them to raise in a subtle yet powerful way. It’s safe, results are long lasting, and no recovery period is necessary after injections.

What Do Brow Lift Injections Feel Like?

The discomfort associated with Botox treatments is minimal. In fact, most patients only feel a brief stinging or pinching sensation. A cold compress or numbing cream can be applied beforehand for extra comfort.

When Will I See Brow Lift Results?

The results of your Botox brow lift will be seen pretty early on. You’ll start seeing improvement within the first week, and full results are visible in about two weeks.

Am I a Good Candidate for Brow Lift?

Suitable candidates for a Botox brow lift are healthy individuals over the age of 18 with realistic expectations about results. A consultation with a qualified Botox injector is necessary to determine whether this option is right for you.

Where Is the Best Place to Get Brow Lift in Fairfax?

Amazing results from Hollywood’s best kept secret, the increasingly famous Botox brow lift, can be achieved at the office of Dr. Jae Kim! So, don’t wait – call us today at (703) 782-3003 to book your Botox appointment, and be sure to ask about our other cosmetic procedures to help you look and feel your best!
