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Jae Kim, MD

How to Get the Best Rhinoplasty Results in Alexandria Virginia

How to Get the Best Rhinoplasty Results in Alexandria, Virginia

Are you considering rhinoplasty to improve the appearance or function of your nose? If so, you probably have a number of questions about the procedure and ultimately want to know how to get the best rhinoplasty results in Alexandria, Virginia.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of rhinoplasty, including how it works, who’s a good candidate, how to get the best results, and what to expect from recovery.

How Does Rhinoplasty Work?

Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to complete.

The procedure usually entails making incisions inside your nostrils or along the base of your nose to access the underlying bone and cartilage. Then, your surgeon may remove or reshape these structures to achieve the desired results.

In some cases, grafts or implants may be added enhance the appearance or function of your nose. Once the surgery is complete, you’ll wear a splint on your nose to help it heal properly.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Good candidates for rhinoplasty are in good overall health, have a fully developed nasal structure, and are non-smokers. It’s also important to have a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and determine if rhinoplasty is the right choice for you.

How to Get the Best Rhinoplasty Results in Alexandria, Virginia

If you want to get the best rhinoplasty results in Alexandria, Virginia, your choice of surgeon is paramount.

More specifically, you should select a qualified and experienced surgeon who understands your specific concerns and has a proven track record of success.

During your consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your nasal structure, discuss your goals, and create a customized treatment plan.

It’s also important to follow all pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully to minimize the risk of complications and ensure optimal healing.

What to Expect During Recovery?

After rhinoplasty, it’s not uncommon for patients to have some bruising, swelling, and discomfort around the nose and eyes. You’ll need to rest for several days and avoid strenuous activities for several weeks to allow your nose to heal properly.

Your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your nose, including how to clean your nostrils and change your dressings. Most people are able to return to work or school within 7 to 10 days after surgery.

Schedule a Rhinoplasty Consultation Today

Want to get the best rhinoplasty results in Fairfax, Virginia? Please call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our top-notch plastic surgeons.
